人格的动力理论[A Dynamic Theory of Personality](英文原版)pdf下载

人格的动力理论[A Dynamic Theory of Personality](英文原版) 内容简介“新闻学与传播学经典丛书英文原版系列”,选取了在新闻学与传播学历史上具有里程碑意义的大师经典名作。如传播学“四大奠基人”哈罗德拉斯韦尔、保罗拉扎斯菲尔德等及加布里埃尔塔尔德、罗伯特帕克、哈...

人格的动力理论[A Dynamic Theory of Personality](英文原版) 内容简介



人格的动力理论[A Dynamic Theory of Personality](英文原版) 目录


第一章 当代心理学中,亚里士多德与伽利略式思考方式之冲突

第二章 灵魂的结构

第三章 儿童行为与发展中的环境力

第四章 奖励与惩罚的心理环境

第五章 现实的教育

第六章 替代行为和替代价值

第七章 低能儿的动力理论

第八章 实验研究的调查



人格的动力理论[A Dynamic Theory of Personality](英文原版) 精彩文摘

Intrinsic Diffculties and Unlaufulness.

The wholc difference betwccn the Aristotclian and Galileian modcs of thought becomes clear as soon as onc sees what consccluenccs, for a strict Galileian view of the concept of law, follow from this closc and fixed connection of the instinct to the individual "in itself." In that case the instinct (c.g., the matcrnal) must operate continually without interruption; just as the explanation of negativism by the "nature" of the three-year-old child entails for Galilcian concepts the consequence that all three-year-old children must bc negative the whole day long, twenty-four hours out of t.hc twcnty-four.

The general Aristotclian set of psychology is able to dodge these conscquenccs. It is satisfied, even for proof of the existcncc of the vectors which should explain the bchavior, to depend upon the conccpt of regularity. In this way it avoids thc nccessity of supposing the vcctor to be existent in every situation, On the basis of the strict concept of law it is possible to disprovc thec hypothesis, for example, of the cxistcncc of a certain instinct by demonstrating its nonexistence in given concrctc cascs. Aristotclian conccpts do not have to fear such disproofs,inasmuch as they can answcr all rcfcrcnccs to concrete particular cascs by falling back on mcrc statistical validity.

Of course thcsc conccpts arc thcrcby also unablc to explain the occurrence of a particular case, and by this is meant not the behavior of an abstractly defined "averagc child," but, for example, the bchavior of a certain child at a certain moment.

The Aristotclian bent of psychological dynamics thus not only implies a limitation of explanation to such cases as occur frequcntly enough to provide a basis for abstracting from the situation, but leaves literally any possibility open in any particular case, even of frequent events.


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