工作简报英语 看这本就够了pdf下载

工作简报英语 看这本就够了 内容简介工作简报是在工作中经常用到的一种文体,反映本单位、本部门的日常工作和动态。内容有工作研究、经验总结、信息交流、批评建议等,用于全面准确地了解情况、掌握动态,以便从实际出发指导全面工作。如何用英语写出条理清晰、逻辑性强的简报...

工作简报英语 看这本就够了 内容简介


工作简报英语 看这本就够了 目录




Introduction 简介

Chapter 1 Creating a Presen-tation 制作简报

Chapter 2 Laying out a Pre-sentation 简报内容

Chapter 3 Eye Contact and Body Language 眼神接触与肢体语言

Chapter 4 Greetings 开场白

Chapter 5 The Hook 引人注意的技巧

Chapter 6 The Delivery 简报过程

Chapter 7 Audience Members 听众成员

Chapter 8 The Closing 简报结尾

Chapter 9 Idioms, Terms and Phrases 惯用语、术语及短语

Chapter 10 Vocabulary 词汇

附录 Frequently Used Presentation Words 简报常用句型

工作简报英语 看这本就够了 精彩文摘

A presentation is your best chance to show your product in its best light, dazzle the audience, and fill your order book. Make sure you make the most of it, and take full advantage of the opportunity a presentation affords.This is not about what's easiest for you, it's all about maximizing the opportunities present, and selling as many people as possible on your product.


There are two types of presentations. Formal presentations are given to a large audience, and informal ones are given to a few people at a time.Either way, an effective presentation has to be interesting, entertaining, and informative.Getting your audience's attention is fairly easy, any attention grabbing stunt will do the trick:Holding on to them is the hard part.


The key to a successful presentation is to keep your audience entertained and eager to hear what you have to say next. Having their bodies there is not enough;you need them to listen to you.



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