
实用科技英语 作者:魏汝尧,董益坤实用科技英语 出版社: 北京大学出版社实用科技英语 内容简介《实用科技英语》紧扣《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》提出的教学目的。内容涵盖能源、计算机、建筑、气候、生物、物理、化学、地理等领域。《实用科技英语》系统明晰地讲述了如...

实用科技英语 作者:魏汝尧,董益坤

实用科技英语 出版社: 北京大学出版社

实用科技英语 内容简介



实用科技英语 目录

Unit 1 Energy Comes in Many Forms

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Defining

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 2 Classification of Computers

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Classifying

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 3 Ancient Chinese Architecture

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Exemplifying

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 4 Global Warming

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English:Cause andEffect ~~

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 5 The Papermaking Process

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Comparing

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 6 Internal Body Clock

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Give Evidence

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 7 Some Notions about Motion

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English:Hypothesis

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 8 Penny Chemistry

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Experiment

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 9 Earth

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Describing

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading

Unit 10 Alcohol And Health

1. Warm-up activity

2. Leading to Scientific English: Reporting

3. Oral practice

4. Writing practice

5. Translate the following passage into Chinese

6. Guided-reading

7. Answer the following questions according to the reading

8. Fill in the blanks with the words used in the reading

9. Self-reading



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