
名称:王长喜:2011考研英语预测试卷(共10套) 作者:王长喜 出版社:学苑出版社 格式:pdf,txt 本电子书只供学习参考,请更多地支持正版图书。王长喜:2011考研英语预测试卷(共10套)内容简介 《王长喜:2011考研英语预测试卷(共10套)》pdf下载。 王长喜:2011考研英语预...





  全文翻译 划线点拨每篇文章都给出准确地道的翻译,并在译文中将每道题目设题出处用下划线划出来,一方面让考生对文章有一个深入、细节的理解,一方面让考生做题更清晰、更透彻,同时也有利于培养考生对峙精读、做一篇提高一篇的良好习惯。

  袋内附赠 根本手册 周全温习
  十套试题 难度尺度 可整班用

Text 2
  Wherever people have been, they have left waste behind, which can cause all sorts of problems. Waste often stinks, attracts vermin and create eyesores. More seriously, it can release harmful chemicals into the soil and water when dumped, or into the air when burned. And then there are some really nasty forms of in-dustrial waste, such as spent nuclear fuel. for which no universally accepted disposal methods have thus farbeen developed.
  Yet many also see waste as an opportunity. Getting rid of it all has become a huge global business. Richcountries spend some $120 billion a year disposing of their municipal waste alone and another $150 billion onindustrial waste, The amount of waste that countries produce tends to grow in tandem with their economies,and especially with the rate of urbanization. So waste firms see a rich future in places such.as China, India and Brazil, which at present spend only about $ 5 billion a year collecting and treating their municipal waste,
  Waste also presents an opportunity in a grander sense: as a potential resource. Much of it is already burned togenerate energy. Clever new technologies to turn it into fertiliser or chemicals or fuel are being developed all the time. Visionaries see a world without waste, with rubbish being routinely recycled.
  Until last summer such views were spreading quickly. But since then plummeting prices for virgin paper,plastic and fuels, and hence also for the waste that substitutes for them, have put an end to such visions.Many of the recycling firms that had argued rubbish was on the way out now say that unless they are given fi-nancial help, they themselves will disappear.
  Subsidies are a bad idea. Governments have a role to play in the business of waste management, but it isa regulatory and supervisory one.They should oblige people who create waste to clean up after themselves and ideally ensure that the price of any product reflects the cost of disposing of it safely. That would help to signalwhich items are hardest to get rid of, giving consumers an incentive to buy goods that create less waste in the first place.
  That may sound simple enough, but governments seldom get the rules right. In poorer countries they of- ten have no rules at all, or if they have them they fail to enforce them. In rich countries they are often incon-sistent : too strict about some sorts of waste and worryingly lax about others. They are also prone to imposing arbitrary targets and taxes. California, for example, wants to recycle all its trash not because it necessarily makes .environmental or economic sense but because the goal of "zero waste" sounds politically attractive.
  《2011考研英语预测试卷》内容简介:结构主线 简明提示 每单元后,每篇文章都分析篇章结构和行文主线,帮助考生清晰理解文章、把握内容关键,同时,也训练考生若何在时间紧急的情况下快速按主线阅读、理解文章。
  找出题眼 清晰思路每篇文章每个题目都找出设题出处、解题题眼,解析都按照考生实际做题过程中注意力集中点的转移线路给出,解析的同时渗透了做题方法的讲解,考生解题的过程同时也是学习做题的过程。

参考: 免费电子书 王长喜:2011考研英语预测试卷(共10套)


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