



英语翻译四级笔译 作者:徐宪光,王立弟

英语翻译四级笔译 出版社:上海外语教育出版社

英语翻译四级笔译 内容简介


英语翻译四级证书考试是教育部最新推出的NAKTI新试种,同时也是英语翻译证书考试系列中最低级别的考试。该级别的考试主要测试应试者的商务英语口头和书面翻译能力,其主要对象包括:英语专业大专或高职高专毕业生、英语专业本科二年级学生、社会上具有同等学历水平的各类英语学习者以及翻译爱好者。 本教材(口、笔译各一本)在编写过程中,充分考虑到上述应试对象的背景,重点放在对学习者口、笔译基础能力的培养和掌握之上。本教材的编写者对教材的内容作了精心的挑选和安排,每单元中除主要讲解的内容外,还有大量的可供自我练习的口、笔译项目,以备教师和学习者选用。 该书可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。

英语翻译四级笔译 目录

UNIT ONE Culture & Education

UNIT TWO Tourism & Catering

UNIT THREE Entertainment & Sports

UNIT FOUR Golden China

UNIT FIVE Transportation & Logistics

UNIT SIX Marketing & Branding

UNIT SEVEN Negotiating Business Contracts

UNIT EIGHT Transnational Management

UNIT NINE Human Resources

UNIT TEN Financial Services

UNIT ELEVEN Exhibition & Convention

UNIT TWELVE Real Estate & Automobile

UNIT THIRTEEN Scientific Innovation

UNIT FOURTEEN Information Technology

UNIT FIFTEEN Social Responsibility

英语翻译四级笔译 精彩文摘

Shanghai was already dubbed as the "Paris of the East" 50 years ago when it was as well-known as cosmopolitan cities like London and Paris. Today, it is seen as a "global business hub" and it is only a matter of time before it becomes the "New York of the East. "

Last month, I visited Shanghai for the first time and, during the brief four-day and five- night stay, experienced first-hand the dynamism of modern Shanghai. The city has a population of close to 17 million which underlies its immense market potential. Depending on their spending powers, Shanghainese from different strata of society can take their pick from a wide range of choices.

Sandwiched between the very rich and the very poor are those who enjoy a comfortable standard of living and the middle-class. Businesses can thus find a niche for themselves by catering to the needs of different groups of consumers.

The eagerness of Shanghainese to keep up with the latest in fashion is a big boost to the market. Memories of foreign settlements 70 or 80 years ago make it much easier for Shanghainese than Chinese in other parts of China to join the mainstream of international consumer trends.

Indeed, many facilities developed by foreigners in Shanghai in the early 20th century have laid the foundation for modern Shanghai to rejoin the ranks of global cities. First-time visitors to Shanghai will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolise the metropolis wealth and glamour. Opposite to the Bund is Chinas tallest building —— the 88- storey Jin Mao Tower —— in Pudong New Area. But it is said that the tower will cease to be the tallest when the Global Financial Centre project, a 94-storey edifice by Japanese investors.


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