大学英语 精读1(教师用书)(第3版)pdf下载

2019年3月23日12:04:5131.6K 大学英语 精读1(教师用书)(第3版) 内容简介《大学英语系列教材•大学英语:精读1(教师用书)(第3版)》是《大学英语》系列教材(第三册)精读第一册的教师用书。内容包括第一至第十单元精读课文教案,以及“精读课文练习答案”、“精读课文参考译文...


大学英语 精读1(教师用书)(第3版) 内容简介




大学英语 精读1(教师用书)(第3版) 目录

Unit 1 Somet Strategies for Learning English

Unit 2 Sailing Round the World

Unit 3 The Present

Unit 4 Turing Off TV:A Quiet Hour

Unit 5 I Never Write Right

Unit 6 Sam Adams,Industrial Engineer

Unit 7 The Sampler

Unit 8 A Magician at Stretching a Dollar

Unit 9 Is There Life on Earth?

Unit 10 Going Home

Appendix 1 Key to Exercises(Unit 1-Unit 10)

Appendix 2 Chinese Translations of the Texts(Unit 1-Unit 10)

Appendix 3 Chinese Translations of the Reading Passages(Unit 1-Unit 10)

大学英语 精读1(教师用书)(第3版) 精彩文摘

There were others to whom time was an enemy,though they knew the battle was alosing one.She felt no different in her inmost self,but outwardly there were cnanges‘There was a lessening of energy SO that things took longer to do,There was a tendencY towithdraw,but of this she knew she must watchful.However limited life might become,itwas essential to keep in stride though the pace might be slower.

Her group of friends began to decrease. Some went to the comfort Ofretirementhomes,some to the unknown.There were strong-built ones who still enjoyed travel andchided her becanse she nOW chose to stay at home.Through books and in herimaglnationshe did travel.There were many places she had never been-up the longest river to 1ts source or the highest mountain to its summit.She had not been where past civilizations hadlived and disappeared,or gone below the ocean to discover what undersea life was like

The Generation Gap

We 0ften hear people talking about the generation gap.The term is new,but the gap isas old as man.By“generation gap”we mean that young people and their Parentsdon tunderstand each other and that different generations have different and even conflicting values' old Mr.Ellis thinks he understands what has happened:“When 1 was a boy,I thoughtthe world was a beautiful place.My life was very pleasant.But when 1 was older,I Iearnedabout people whO were treated badly,people who didn’t have enough to eat·1 wanted to held them,and I married a girl who wanted to help them,too.We went to meetings andtalked a lot,but it didn’t seem to make much difference.

“Our children grew up in a world at war.They didn’t know when the fighting wouId stoD.Thev wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys.They didn’t want to th。nkabout the future.They thought nothing could be done about it.

“Now I have grandchildren,and they have their own ideas.They are trying to makethe world better.They are trying to help other people.They are making pe。Ple 1。。te“tOthem.I amproud of their generation”


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