Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 pdf下载

Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 content validityIf you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the most common language used to write web site content. The mos...

Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 content validity

If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites.

Foundation HTML5 with CSS3: A Modern Guide and Reference incorporates practical examples to show how to structure data correctly using HTML5, along with styling and layout basics using the latest release of Cascading Style Sheets, CSS3.

This book is forward-thinking because all the featured code and techniques are standards-compliant, and it demonstrate best practices—you won’t waste your time on outdated, bad techniques. Your web pages will work properly in most web browsers and be accessible to web users with disabilities, easily located using popular search engines, and compact in file size.

Even if you already know HTML5 and CSS3 basics, this book will still be useful to you. It features comprehensive reference tables, so you can look up troublesome attributes, codes, and properties quickly and easily.

Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 Catalog

About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer



Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 2: HTML and CSS Basics

Chapter 3: The Document

Chapter 4: Constructing Content

Chapter 5: Embedding Media

Chapter 6: Linking the Web

Chapter 7: Building Tables

Chapter 8: Assembling Forms and Applications

Chapter 9: Page Layout with CSS

Chapter 10: Putting it All Together


Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 Wonderful Digest

We’ve written the tag name in lowercase, but you can use uppercase ( <P> ) if you prefer. Tag names are not case-sensitive in HTML, but they must be lowercase in XHTML (that’s one of those more stringent rules that separates XHTML from HTML). Whereas XHTML demands lowercase for all tags and attributes,HTML5 isn’t so picky, and doesn’t draw any distinction between a <p> and a <P> so it’s entirely up to you whether your tags are uppercase or lowercase.

Most tags come in matched pairs: one start tag (also called an opening tag) to mark the beginning of a portion of content and one end tag (also called a closing tag) to mark its end. For example, the beginning of a paragraph is marked by the start tag, <p> , and the paragraph ends with a </p> end tag; the slash after the opening bracket is what distinguishes it as an end tag. A complete (if short) paragraph would be marked up like this:

<p>Hello, world!</p>

These twin tags and everything between them form a complete element, and elements are the basic building blocks of an HTML document.

A few elements don’t require an end tag in select circumstances. For example, if certain elements are immediately followed by certain other elements, the start tag for the following element implies the end of the previous element, so that previous element’s end tag may be optional, depending on the elements in play. This is true in HTML5, as it was in HTML 4 and earlier, but not in XHTML: XHTML requires an end tag for all elements. Even in HTML5, it’s not a bad idea to include end tags, if only because it can be hard to remember which elements allow tag omission in which cases. When in doubt, close your elements.We’ll include end tags on all the elements in markup examples you see in this book… almost all, that is.


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