你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版,PDF下载

名称:你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版 作者:塔拉韦斯特弗 出版社:Penguin Random House US 格式:PDF 本电子书只供学习参考,请更多地支持正版图书。你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版内容简介 1986年,Tara...

名称:你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版
出版社:Penguin Random House US

你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版内容简介

1986年,Tara Westover出生于美国爱达荷州的一个摩门教生存主义者家庭。她成长在大山里,家里有7个孩子,她的父母不相信任何公立机构,不给孩子办出生证明,不送孩子上学,从来不去医院,即使是出了车祸、严重烧伤,也只在家里用草药医治。在17岁之前,她对于世界的所有认知,几乎都来自于父亲。身为犹太人,她对二战时期的犹太人大屠杀全无了解,甚至不认识“屠杀”这个词。17岁那年,有哥哥Tyler的榜样在前,在内心某种力量的感召之下,她付出巨大努力,通过自学考入了杨百翰大学。后来,她获得盖茨奖学金资助,到剑桥大学继续深造,在那里获得硕士及博士学位。这本书是她的自传,她在书中记录了家庭带给她的爱和伤害。在受教育的过程中,她对自己的成长经历不断进行反思,不断增进对家庭和自我的认知,期间也经历了很多的自我怀疑,以及与家庭的冲突和撕扯。到书的末尾,她基本上实现了对自我的悦纳,获得了内心的平静;但遗憾的是,她尚未能够跟父母达成和解,也许z终她还是会失去她的家庭。Tara是我的同龄人,虽然她的出身和成长经历跟我没有一点相似,但她的故事依然令我深深感慨,一是关于家庭,一是关于教育。家庭是一个人内心z深的情结。无论你后来对它产生了怎样的认知,走上了如何与之背离的道路,它在你身上刻下的烙印始终挥之不去,你也始终放不下对来自于它的认可和接纳的渴求。

你当像鸟飞往你的山Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover英文原版部分内容

“If [J. D.] Vance’s memoir offered street-heroin-grade drama, [Tara] Westover’s is carfentanil, the stuff that tranquilizes elephants. The extremity of Westover’s upbringing emerges gradually through her telling, which only makes the telling more alluring and harrowing. . . . By the end, Westover has somehow managed not only to capture her unsurpassably exceptional upbringing, but to make her current situation seem not so exceptional at all, and resonant for many others.”—The New York Times Book Review

“Living proof that some people are flat-out, boots-always-laced-up indomitable . . . a heartbreaking, heartwarming, best-in-years memoir about striding beyond the limitations of birth and environment into a better life.”—USA Today

“Riveting . . . Westover brings readers deep into this world, a milieu usually hidden from outsiders. . . . Her story is remarkable, as each extreme anecdote described in tidy prose attests.”—The Economist

“A coming-of-age memoir reminiscent of The Glass Castle.”—O: The Oprah Magazine

“Incredibly thought-provoking . . . so much more than a memoir about a woman who graduated college without a formal education. It is about a woman who must learn how to learn.”—The Harvard Crimson

“Heart-wrenching . . . a beautiful testament to the power of education to open eyes and change lives.”—Amy Chua, The New York Times

“Propulsive . . . Despite the singularity of her childhood, the questions her book poses are universal: How much of ourselves should we give to those we love? And how much must we betray them to grow up?”—Vogue

“A subtle, nuanced study of how dysfunction of any kind can be normalized even within the most conventional family structure, and of the damage such containment can do.”—Financial Times

“Westover’s extraordinary memoir is haunting in the best way, delivering a powerful coming-of-age saga.”—Paste

“Westover’s one-of-a-kind memoir is about the shaping of a mind. . . . In briskly paced prose, she evokes a childhood that completely defined her. Yet it was also, she gradually sensed, deforming her.”—The Atlantic

“Whether narrating scenes of fury and violence or evoking rural landscapes or tortured self-analysis, Westover writes with uncommon intelligence and grace. . . . One of the most improbable and fascinating journeys I’ve read in recent years.”—Newsday

“This gripping coming-of-age story shows a woman’s world being opened through education.”—Refinery29

“Raw and unflinching . . . lyrical and literary.”—Library Journal

“An astonishing account of deprivation, confusion, survival, and success.”—Kirkus Reviews

“At its heart, her memoir is a family history: not just a tale of overcoming but an uncertain elegy to the life that she ultimately rejected. Westover manages both tenderness and a savage honesty that spares no one, not even herself.”—Booklist

参考: 励志 教育 文学 回忆录


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